
Same Day Cerec Crowns

Offered by GP Dental & Associates
Dental Services
At Greg G. Pitts DDS in American Fork, Utah, we understand that dental issues like fractures, decay, or damaged fillings may necessitate the use of a dental crown for protection and restoration. Dental crowns provide an additional layer of...

Invisible Braces

Offered by American Fork Orthodontics
Dental Services
Clear appliances, such as Invisalign, use a series of invisible, removable, and comfortable aligners to straighten your teeth. No one can tell you are wearing those aligners because they are invisible! Invisalign aligners are removable so you...

Dental Alignment

Offered by Alpine Airway Wellness
Dental Services
At the stage when the last of the permanent teeth are erupting, the Myobrace for Teens is used to align the teeth into their natural position. If the teeth need further alignment, clear aligners can still be used for a much shorter period to...

Teeth Whitening

Offered by Kids Dental Home
Dental Services
For older children and teenagers, we offer Teeth Whitening services to enhance their smiles. Our safe and effective whitening treatments help restore confidence and brighten their teeth.

Routine Care

Offered by Professional Dental
Dental Services
Regularly visiting your dentist is crucial to maintaining good dental health. At regular check-ups, minor issues are spotted and dealt with before they can turn into larger ones. When your mouth is healthy, your body has a better chance of...

Full Mouth Reconstruction

Offered by GP Dental & Associates
Dental Services
At Greg G. Pitts DDS, we specialize in full mouth reconstruction, often referred to as a "smile makeover." This comprehensive approach to dental care encompasses a series of treatments meticulously crafted to address a diverse array of concerns...

Teeth Whitening

Offered by Professional Dental
Dental Services
Professional teeth whitening can be a very effective way of lightening the appearance of your teeth without removing the surface of your teeth in the process.


Offered by GP Dental & Associates
Dental Services
Invisalign represents a revolutionary orthodontic solution, discreetly and conveniently transforming smiles. Unlike conventional braces, Invisalign employs a series of clear, removable aligners to gently and progressively align teeth. These...

Myobrace In Alpine

Offered by Alpine Airway Wellness
Dental Services
Unlike conventional orthodontics, Myobrace not only focuses on teeth but the foundational structures in the head as well. It does not require braces and addresses the root cause of crooked teeth, resulting in a more stable bite, healthy TMJ,...

Dental Emergencies

Offered by Professional Dental
Dental Services
Dental emergencies are unexpected and distressing, but we are here to help. Please contact us immediately if you experience any sudden onset pain. 

Pediatric Dentistry

Offered by Professional Dental
Dental Services
The sooner children begin getting regular dental checkups, the healthier their mouths will stay throughout their lives. Early checkups help prevent cavities that may cause pain and make it difficult to concentrate. Healthy teeth help children...

Oral Surgery

Offered by GP Dental & Associates
Dental Services
Oral surgery, by its nature, is a surgical procedure that can be quite invasive, whether it involves procedures like dental implant placements or the extraction of wisdom teeth. Given the complexity and potential discomfort associated with...

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