LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — The Spring Valley Area Command Unit of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department has a warning for vehicle owners. There has been a growing number of vehicle break-ins in the area, but everyone can do things to protect themselves from thieves.

The crime alert notice was released Monday.

Auto theft prevention is common sense but not common practice, Metro said. Follow these simple tips at home, work, or while on vacation to protect your vehicle and spare yourself the hassle and expense of having your car stolen:

  • Lock the car, take the keys, every time. It’s a habit for most drivers to either leave the keys in the car or take them with them.
  • Develop good habits — consciously make the decision to double-check that you have your keys as you walk away from the vehicle. No place is safe from theft, even your own driveway.
  • Do not leave your car unlocked, running, and unattended. Whether you’re just running out to grab a cup of coffee or warming the car up before leaving for work, it only takes a thief seconds to steal your car and ruin your week.
  • Don’t leave valuables in your car. Leaving cell phones, mail, garage door openers, wallets, computers, or other valuables in the car attracts thieves.
  • Don’t leave keys and garage door openers in your car because that can also invite burglars to your home.

According to Metro Police, leaving mail and sensitive information in your car also leaves you vulnerable to identity theft.
Leaving keys and garage door openers can also invite burglary to your home.